Convention. When we discuss an abelian scheme over a base scheme $S,$ we will assume that $S$ is nonempty.
We have discussed how an abelian variety $A$ over $\mathbb{C}$ is a commutative group scheme using analytic techniques. More specifically, we have gone through the following two steps:
Step 1. We have studied the conjugation action of each element of $A(\mathbb{C})$ on the tangent space $T_{e}A(\mathbb{C})$ at the identity $e$.
Step 2. We have made use of the exponential map $T_{e}A(\mathbb{C}) \rightarrow A(\mathbb{C}).$
We are going to show that an abelian variety over any field is a commutative group scheme. Step 1 works in algebraic setting, but Step 2 does not.
Remark. In characteristic $p > 0,$ it is known that there are examples of automorphisms that act trivially on the tangent space but not on the variety. (We might add some examples later.)
Let $A$ be an abelian variety over a field $k.$ The strategy we take is that we are going to consider the conjugations $c_{t} : A(k) \rightarrow A(k)$ as a flat family parametrized by $t \in A(k).$ We will show that $c_{t}$ is constant in $t.$
Our specific goal. Given an abelian scheme $A$ over $S,$ for $a \in A(S)$ (i.e., an $S$-scheme map $a : S \rightarrow A$), we define the left-translation by $a$ as the map $$l_{a} := m_{A} \circ (a \circ \pi_{A}, \mathrm{id}_{A}) : A \rightarrow A \times_{S} A \rightarrow A,$$ where $m_{A}$ is the multiplication map of the group $S$-scheme $A,$ and $\pi_{A} : A \rightarrow S$ is the structure map. Even though the above definition for $l_{a}$ is simple, it is not the best definition to work with. Another way to describe it is that given any $S$-scheme $T,$ the map $l_{a} : A \rightarrow A$ gives $l_{a, T} : A(T) \rightarrow A(T)$ defined by $x \mapsto \pi_{T}^{*}(a) \cdot x = (a \circ \pi_{T}) \cdot x,$ where $\pi_{T} : T \rightarrow S$ is the structure map. This allows us to show that $l_{e} = \mathrm{id}_{G}$ and $l_{g \cdot g'} = l_{g} \circ l_{g'}$ for all $g, g' \in G(S).$ In particular, we have $l_{g \cdot g^{-1}} = \mathrm{id}_{G} = l_{g^{-1} \cdot g}.$ This discussion works for any group scheme $G$ over $S.$ Details can be found in this posting.
Theorem. Let $A, B$ be abelian $S$-schemes with identities $e_{A}, e_{B}.$ If $S$ is a Noetherian scheme, given any $S$-scheme map $f : A \rightarrow B,$ there is a factorization $f = l_{f_{S}(e_{A})} \circ h$ for some map $h : A \rightarrow B$ of $S$-groups, where $f_{S}(e_{A}) = f \circ e_{A} : S \rightarrow A \rightarrow B$ as usual.
Corollary. If $S$ is a Noetherian scheme, any abelian $S$-scheme $A$ is a commutative group scheme.
Proof. Denote by $i_{A} : A \rightarrow A$ the inversion map. Since $i_{A}(e_{A}) = e_{A} : S \rightarrow A,$ we have $l_{i_{A}(e_{A})} = l_{e_{A}} = m_{A} \circ (e_{A} \circ \pi, \mathrm{id}_{A}) = \mathrm{id}_{A},$ where the last equality follows from a group scheme axiom for $A.$ Thus, applying Theorem for $f = i_{A},$ it shows that $i_{A}$ is a group scheme map. From here, it follows that $A$ is a commutative group scheme. $\Box$
Corollary. If $S$ is a Noetherian scheme, any abelian $S$-scheme $A$ is a commutative group scheme.
Proof. Denote by $i_{A} : A \rightarrow A$ the inversion map. Since $i_{A}(e_{A}) = e_{A} : S \rightarrow A,$ we have $l_{i_{A}(e_{A})} = l_{e_{A}} = m_{A} \circ (e_{A} \circ \pi, \mathrm{id}_{A}) = \mathrm{id}_{A},$ where the last equality follows from a group scheme axiom for $A.$ Thus, applying Theorem for $f = i_{A},$ it shows that $i_{A}$ is a group scheme map. From here, it follows that $A$ is a commutative group scheme. $\Box$
Hence, it remains to show Theorem. First, we note that it is enough to show that $l_{f_{S}(e_{A})^{-1}} \circ f : A \rightarrow B$ is a map of $S$-groups. Since $$\begin{align*}(l_{f_{S}(e_{A})^{-1}} \circ f)_{S}(e_{A}) &= l_{f_{S}(e_{A})^{-1}} \circ f \circ e_{A} \\ &= l_{f_{S}(e_{A})^{-1}} \circ f_{S}(e_{A}) \\ &= l_{f_{S}(e_{A})^{-1},S}(f_{S}(e_{A})) \\ &= f_{S}(e_{A})^{-1} \cdot f_{S}(e_{A}) \\ &= e_{B}\end{align*}$$ in $B(S)$ because the $S$-scheme structure map for $S$ is $\mathrm{id}_{S}.$ Thus, this reduces the problem to the case where $f_{S}(e_{A}) = e_{B},$ and we desire to prove that $f : A \rightarrow B$ is an $S$-group map. This means that given any $S$-scheme $T$ and $a, a' \in A(T),$ we have $$f_{T}(m_{A,T}(a, a')) = f_{T}(a \cdot a') = f_{T}(a) \cdot f_{T}(a') = m_{B,T}(f_{T}(a), f_{T}(a')).$$ In terms of $S$-scheme map language, this precisely states that $$f \circ m_{A} = m_{B} \circ (f \times_{S} f) : A \times_{S} A\rightarrow B,$$ and thus this is what we need to prove. For each $S$-scheme $T,$ we may instead try to prove $$m_{B,T}(f_{T}(m_{A,T}(a, a')), i_{B}(m_{B,T}(f_{T}(a), f_{T}(a')))) = e_{B,T} \in B(T)$$ for all $a, a' \in A(T).$ In the $S$-scheme map language, this means that we want to prove $$m_{B} \circ (f \circ m_{A}, i_{B} \circ m_{B} \circ (f \times_{S} f)) = e_{B} \circ \pi_{A \times_{S} A} : A \times_{S} A \rightarrow B,$$ where again $e_{B} = e_{B,S} : S \rightarrow B$ is the identity element of the group $B(S)$ and $\pi_{A \times_{S} A} : A \times_{S} A \rightarrow S$ is the $S$-scheme structure map. The map on the left-hand side is the composition $$A \times_{S} A \rightarrow B \times_{S} B \rightarrow B$$ of the relevant maps.
Reduction of the problem. We write $$g := m_{B} \circ (f \circ m_{A}, i_{B} \circ m_{B} \circ (f \times_{S} f)) : A \times_{S} A \rightarrow B.$$ We want to show that $g = e_{B} \circ \pi_{A \times_{S} A}.$ Note that given any $S$-scheme $T,$ the map $g_{T} : A(T) \times A(T) \rightarrow B(T)$ is given by $(a, a') \mapsto f_{T}(a \cdot a') \cdot (f_{T}(a) \cdot f_{T}(a'))^{-1}.$ Hence, we have $$\begin{align*}g \circ (\mathrm{id}_{A}, e_{A} \circ \pi_{A}) \circ a &= g_{T}(a, e_{A,T}) \\ &= f_{T}(a \cdot e_{A,T}) \cdot (f_{T}(a) \cdot f_{T}(e_{A,T}))^{-1} \\ &= f_{T}(a \cdot e_{A,T}) \cdot (f_{T}(a) \cdot e_{B,T})^{-1} \\ &= e_{B,T} \\ &= e_{B} \circ \pi_{T}\end{align*}$$ because, using $f_{S}(e_{A}) = e_{B},$ we have $$\begin{align*}f_{T}(e_{A,T}) &= f \circ e_{A} \circ \pi_{T}\\ &= f_{S}(e_{A}) \circ \pi_{T}\\ &= e_{B} \circ \pi_{T} \\&= e_{B,T}.\end{align*}$$ Hence, if we prove that $g : A \times_{S} A \rightarrow B$ is a constant map, then it will follow that for every $a, a' \in A(T),$ we have $g_{T}(a, a') = e_{B, T}.$ The only $S$-scheme map $A \times_{S} A \rightarrow B$ such that $A(T) \times A(T) \rightarrow B(T)$ is giving the constant value of $e_{B,T}$ is $e_{B} \circ \pi_{A \times_{S} A},$ so this will finish the proof. Thus, it remains to show that $g : A \times_{S} A \rightarrow B$ is constant.
To finish the proof of Theorem, we use the following "rigidity" lemma:
Lemma (Rigidity). Fix any Noetherian scheme $S.$ Let $\pi_{X} : X \rightarrow S$ be a proper flat $S$-scheme such that $\dim_{\kappa(s)}(H^{0}(X_{s}, \mathscr{O}_{X_{s}})) = 1$ for all $s \in S,$ where $$X_{s} = X \times_{S} \mathrm{Spec}(\kappa(s)),$$ the fiber at $s.$ If $\phi : X \rightarrow Y$ is any $S$-scheme map such that there exists any $s \in S$ such that the restriction $X_{s} \rightarrow Y_{s}$ of $\phi$ is constant, then $\phi$ is constant on the connected component of $s$ in $S.$
Remark. An $S$-scheme map $X \rightarrow Y$ is said to be constant if it factors through the structure map of $X.$ In particular, in such situation, for any $S$-scheme $T,$ the induced map $X(T) \rightarrow Y(T)$ is constant in set-theoretic sense. Given a field $k,$ a constant map of $k$-schemes $X \rightarrow Y$ necessarily give a constant map on the underlying topological spaces, as it factors as $X \rightarrow \mathrm{Spec}(k) \rightarrow Y.$ I don't think the converse is true: there are probably many examples where a $k$-scheme map is topologically constant but not a constant map according to the definition we are using. However, I have not thought deeply about such examples. (I may add them later if there are such though.)
Proof of Theorem. We use the notations given before Lemma. Write $$p_{1}^{-1}(e_{A}) := S \times_{A \times_{S} A} A,$$ with respect to $e_{A} : S \rightarrow A$ and $p_{1} : A \times_{S} A \rightarrow A.$ Given any $S$-scheme $T,$ the $S$-scheme map $$p_{1}^{-1}(e_{A}) \rightarrow A \times_{S} A$$ induces the set map $$(p_{1}^{-1}(e_{A}))(T) \rightarrow A(T) \times A(T),$$ which necessarily maps to elements of the form $(a, e_{A,T})$ where $a \in A(T)$ may vary. We have checked before that $g_{T}(a, e_{A,T}) = e_{B,T}$ constantly regardless of the choice of $a,$ so this implies that the composition $p_{1}^{-1}(e_{A}) \rightarrow A \times_{S} A \xrightarrow{g} B$ is constant. This implies that the following composition is also constant: $$p_{1}^{-1}(e_{A}) \rightarrow A \times_{S} A \xrightarrow{(p_{1}, g)} A \times_{S} B.$$ Then now note that $(p_{1}, g)$ is an $A$-scheme map that is constant on the fiber at any point in $A$ in the image of $e_{A} : S \rightarrow A.$ Now note that
- $A$ is connected,
- both $A \times_{S} A$ and $A \times_{S} B$ are proper and smooth over $A$ (base change) and hence also flat over $A$ (e.g., 25.2.2. (iii) in Vakil), and
- for $s \in A,$ we have $(A \times_{S} A)_{s} = p_{1}^{-1}(s) \simeq \mathrm{Spec}(\kappa(s)) \times_{A} A \times_{S} A \simeq A_{s},$ which is geometrically connected, so $\dim_{\kappa(s)} (A \times_{S} A)_{s} = 1.$
Thus, we may apply Rigidity Lemma to conclude that that $(p_{1}, g)$ is constant. Since $g$ is the composition $$A \times_{S} A \xrightarrow{(p_{1}, g)} A \times_{S} B \rightarrow B,$$ where the latter one is the projection map onto $B,$ the fact that $(p_{1}, g)$ is constant implies that $g$ is constant. This finishes the proof $\Box$